Dial a Stocktaker
Stocktake - a seemingly harmless word, but to a retailer a word which brings up memories of long days and nights, endless paperwork, continuous arguments about procedures and then the wait to see if one has to do it again. It is also a word which Dial a Stocktaker has adopted as it's core business. Their aim is to reduce the stress inherent in stocktaking and to supply management with an accurate count of all stock on hand.

Stocktakes can take various forms. Stocktakes can be performed one's own staff , casual staff or an outside organisation - or a combination of these. It can entail writing everything down and then capturing the results or scanning the results to obtain an immediate result. You can take stock after hours or close your store during trading hours. The result of a stocktake can result in management getting a large bonus or forcing them to choose another line of work. A stocktake is a vital part of any retail environment and if it is not done correctly everything else will seem a waste of time.
Why Use Dial a Stocktaker?
- Our counters are all put through screening and thorough training sessions.
- The majority of stocktakers have taken stock for at least four years.
- The counters have a high propensity for physical work and the financial reward is motivating.
- Dial a Stocktaker has fully trained Coordinators who take control of all the menial, but yet vital functions. They also have the experience to pin-point problem areas and offer solutions.
- Dial a Stocktaker will pay the stocktakers on your behalf thereby saving you time and administrative costs.
- We have at our disposal the expertise, experience and reliability gained from over 19 years of service with the temporary market.
- YOU identify an area of concern as a test case.
- Dial a Stocktaker assesses the job and quotes an appropriate rate.
- Please Note: The rate is determined by various factors including: No. of stocktakers required, Dates of stocktake, duration of stocktake, physical location and level of skill required.
- The agreed rate together with our terms and conditions of service will be sent to you for confirmation.
Get in Touch
New Student Registration
Dial a Student
- (T) +27 011 403 2996
- (Whatapp) +27 82 074 7221
- info@students.co.za